It is not intended to provide a forum for debate over the current model of HIV as a cause of AIDS. If you wish to pursue this topic, please find another forum of like-minded bloggers. This is also not a forum for medical advice, per se. Your doctor is the best person who can offer medical advice. Articles that advocate changes to your medical regimen must include a disclaimer for consultation with your medical professionals. The International Carnival of Pozitivities can not be held accountable for medical content, so you should always consult with your medical professionals before changing your treatment regimen.
Otherwise, all topics are up for consideration within the framework of life with HIV and AIDS. Submitters can write about their personal experiences, their own medications (including successes and failures), their lifestyle, in short, anything that applies to their fight for life. This forum is also open to submissions from medical professionals and caregivers, though the aim is to provide non-technical articles to assist those of us living within the HIV community. In effect, this forum is intended to present all aspects of life that we experience in our struggle to fight infection with HIV and the development of AIDS.
You may nominate blog entries by other authors for this Carnival but their consent must be obtained before their article can be used. Only articles that have been submitted using the form at Blog Carnival.com are allowed and any article may be rejected at the discretion of the host or the administrator.
This carnival will be presented monthly with submissions to be accepted until midnight on the 2nd of each month and publication by a host blogger no later than the 10th of the month at midnight. Because this is an international carnival, English will be set as the default language of the Carnival so that we have a common language for communication across all cultures. (Limited translation services can be extended for non-technical articles in French or Spanish, depending upon deadline and length of article.)
The first edition of the International Carnival of Pozitivities will be hosted at 2sides2ron. Since this blog carnival will travel from one host blog to another for each edition, volunteers are needed for hosting future editions.
To submit articles to this Carnival, please visit the schedule and submission page or simply click on the Red Ribbon to the right or on the Submit button below.

Categories: blog+carnival HIV/AIDS HIV AIDS International+Carnival+of+Pozitivities ICP Pozitivities Positive Seropositive blog carnival